Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? No... just Sea Turtles.

The writing we are focussing on this term is about explanation. We are learning to explain objects, processes and phenomena. Currently the class is looking at explaining about Sea Turtles.

Here is a list of some of their prior knowledge.

And here is a short video that they are going to use to help them explain about Sea Turtles in their own words.

Maths Work

In class We are working on Transformation. The class will need to access the class wiki to see what they wish to work on with a few different workshops set at different levels.
The class will need to do some frontloading (research before beginning) so that they can take part in the sessions.

Monday, 28 October 2013


This term we are focussing on the unexplained. Our current class project is on the mummies curse. This is a whole class project. Soon the class will be individually researching their own topics. I can't wait to see what people come up with.


Yes after a long weekend we are right back into it.
We are working on transformation in maths. Here was a quick activity we did with lines of symmetry. The class had to predict what the end result shape would look like. They folded a circle in half three times and made a few snips, predicted the end result, then unfolded.